Tarnished Keeper/ARG

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Tarnished Keeper was revealed through an ARG on the Discord server on June 3rd, 2022. The ARG started with a reveal of the new title screen in #very-important-announcements, with a small hint in the image to look at #meet-the-mods. On the same day, OpenSauce and dpower posted messages in that channel with a few letters italicized. OpenSauce's message included a gif that used imgur to send it, and members found that if the italicized letters were plugged into the end of an imgur link, it lead to an image of a shopkeeper.

The Teaser Image

Tarnished Keeper ARG.png

The teaser image contains many hints about Tarnished Keeper's mechanics, along with an unlock.[1] Among these is a QR code leading to an image of Tarnished Keeper. The image was confirmed that it does not reveal an unlock method for the character.[2]

Speculation and Theories

Before the official release, various theories about what the hints in the image could have meant were developed by the fans:

  • Treasure rooms still exist but instead serve a different purpose, possibly containing money.[3]
    • The gold bar may refer to something found in the treasure rooms, as they are often talked about in conjunction with each other.[4]
  • The chocolate coin is an unlock.
    • This message by Sockblouse speaks to the contrary, thought it may just be a red herring.[5]
    • A similar penny variant known as Tastypenny.pngTasty Penny would be added in Wave 4 alongside Tarnished Keeper, though is unlocked by beating Pool! instead of being one of his unlocks.
  • The grayed out heart on the shopkeeper's body may refer to him not having hearts, as the coin count already is responsible.