Version History/Wave 4

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v4.26.1 Patch notes

Released 13th of April '23

- Updated EpiphanyDiag to version 2.0
- Fixed an issue where EpiphanyDiag would fail to extract through Windows Explorer

v4.26 Patch notes

Released 13th of March '23

- Fixed an issue where a save file could become permanently unable to load after seeing too many item pedestals in a single run
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash if Essence of Judas was used while holding TMTRAINER

v4.25 Patch notes

Released 23rd of February '23

- Fixed several visual issues related to Tarnished Keeper's HP bar
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when Turnover was used while under the effect of TMTRAINER
- Updated Connor's Hidden Item Manager to version 2.0
  - This primarily fixes an issue where continuing a run as Tarnished Keeper would cause Lemegeton wisps to spawn
- The mod's license has been updated
- Updated EpiphanyDiag to version 1.4.1

v4.24 Patch notes

Released 22nd of January '23

- Fixed issues that could occur in the DSS menu if Epiphany was the only mod installed that uses DSS
- Fixed double MCM detection incorrectly detecting Chinese MCM build as two separate MCM versions

v4.23 - Silent update

Released 21st of January '23

- Extremely minor code formatting tweak

v4.22 Patch notes

Released 16th of January '23

- Removed ARG content
- Fixed an issue with Beggar deal chances

v4.21 Patch notes

Released 14th of January '23

- Reworked Glitch Slot
  - Price increased to 3 pickups (up from 1)
  - Glitch slot activates 3-5 times in quick succession
  - Added new payout effects in addition to the existing ones:
    - Use random active item (except for items like Plan C)
    - Add/remove a random curse
  - Added new usage sound effects
- Destroying Converter and Golden Beggars now boosts the devil room chance as it does with vanilla beggars
- Quest items can no longer be seen by Blighted Dice or Essence of Isaac.
- Using Joker in a Broken Halo devil room will now teleport you to an I AM ERROR room after exiting the Joker room instead of softlocking the game
- Blighted Dice can no longer be duplicated by using Schoolbag
- Tarnished Keeper's health HUD no longer appears when revived as a co-op ghost
- Fixed an issue with bleeding heart not properly updating stats

v4.20 - Sacrificial Altar hotfix

Released 31st of December '22

- Updated Connor's Hidden Item Manager to v1.5
  - This addresses an issue introduced in v4.19 where Sacrificial Altar could cause the game to crash

v4.19 Patch notes

Released 26th of December '22

- Added a way to run console commands via the Dead Sea Scrolls menu
- Many console commands have been renamed and all now require the `epiphany` prefix
- Added a new "Easter Eggs" menu
- Added the `Epiphany` theme to the Dead Sea Scrolls menu
- Added in-game changelogs for the mod via the Dead Sea Scrolls menu
- Fixed an issue where characters would stay locked when unlocked via the Dead Sea Scrolls menu
- Added changelogs from Wave 3's release onwards to the DSS menu
- Tasty pennies now heal all the Keeper characters
- Added some community costumes for Tarnished Keeper and Tarnished Magdalene
  - Thank you to Ginger, ashies, and HowYouKnowItsReal112 for the submissions!
- Switched hidden passive item system to use Connor's Hidden Item Manager library
- Fixed an issue with Blighted Dice occasionally replacing the wrong item
- Friendly enemies killed while playing as TR Keeper no longer produce coins
- Fixed a bug related to Sirent attempting to control TR Judas's clones
- Slightly adjusted the positioning of the Vanity Shop turnover shop
- Pickup getter now uses the proper item pool when the player has Chaos
- Tasty pennies can now only replace normal pennies

v4.18 - No more `corrupted-characters(1)`!

Released 12th of December '22

- Migrated from `corrupted-characters(1)` directory to `epiphany`
  - !!!VERY IMPORTANT!!! After installing this update, open the game, select Isaac, and follow the steps on-screen to migrate your save data to the new namespace. Trust me, this process is very easy, and you don't really have to do much of anything
    - If for whatever reason something goes wrong during the automatic save migration process, you can manually migrate the save data by renaming the `data/corrupted-characters(1)` folder to `data/epiphany`

- Removed the deprecated CorruptedCharactersMod namespace
- Some pickup callbacks have been upgraded to priority callbacks. This should help TR Keeper to be more compatible with custom pickup code
- Fixed an issue where Keeper could not turn FF bags into coins
- Updated EpiphanyDiag to v1.4
  - This fixes an issue where the program could exit prematurely while generating the mod list

v4.17 - Dead Sea Scrolls fixes

Released 10th of December '22

- Fixed Dead Sea Scrolls achievement menu not properly saving edited achievement values
- Added Tarnished character unlock achievements to DSS achievements menu
- Updated Dead Sea Scrolls credits to reflect the workshop page
- Swapped "page" and "achievement status" entries in the DSS achievements menu

v4.16 - TR Magdalene bleed hotfix

Released 9th of December '22

- Fixed a bug where on the first run after starting the game, TR Magdalene would not start bleeding until Cardiac Arrest hits an enemy, even if she had taken damage

v4.15 - 1.7.9b Fix + DSS Achievements

Released 8th of December '22

- Added support for Repentance v1.7.9b
- Removed ENV Loader
- When TR Maggy loses a heart container to bleeding, 3 bleed is now removed (was 2)
- Black candle now removes curse of darkness effect from mothers shadow
- Updated all Essence achievement sprites
- Changed spawning properties of house cards. Now function as suit rather then reverse. (Modded reverse card spawns seem much lower than intended)
- Updated license terms
  - Trademark use is now explicitly disallowed
- Added some community made costumes for Tarnished Keeper! thanks to: Mister Miner Man, Ashley, Ansuz and Luna!
  - Want to submit your own costumes? Come join our Discord! We have a channel open for submissions
- Reserved future character names so that API characters cannot use them
- Fixed an issue where store credit not being consumed when consuming an item with broken dice
- Fixed intense lag in the Epiphany character selection menu while `trmod debug-unlocks` was enabled
- Fixed My Shadow no longer infinitely spawns Glitched Gapers upon contact with one.
- Fixed Lazarus Risen having a flashing head sprite 
- Fixed Tarnished Keeper causing game crashes and save file issues in co-op mode
- Fixed stats eval called more than they should (thanks Damage Multiplier Stat mod for the report!)
- Fixed Turnover's price icon overlapping with Revelations's Vanity counter
- Fixed Tasty Penny not being unlocked by trmod unlock ALL
  - If you are using `trmod unlock ALL` and want the Tasty Penny unlocked, you can simply run the command again, and Tasty Penny will be unlocked
- Added costume for Stock Fluctuation
- Wiped all image metadata
- Added achievements to DSS menu
- Added a way to change the completion status of individual achievements through the Dead Sea Scrolls menu

v4.14 - TR Eden starting active, Dead Sea Scrolls menu, and more small fixes

Released 12th of November '22

- TR Eden can now unlock an extra starting active item by using Debug to save an item 30 times
- Added a Dead Sea Scrolls menu where you can check your completion marks, your challenge progress, as well as the mod credits. Achievement checking is coming soon
- Naturally spawned golden items no longer play a sound effect when spawned
- Essence of the Keeper no longer plays Golden Item turn SFX when turning an item golden
- Increased volume of Essence of the Keeper SFX
- Renamed "Essence of Keeper" to "Essence of the Keeper"
- Fixed a crash during ascent if the player has the Black Key trinket
- Updated StageAPI transition sprite for Eden
- Golden Hearts in TR Keeper inventory will now be converted into 10 coins each
- Active items turned into passives by Essence of Eden are no longer hardcoded
- Updated Essence of Eden description to include active item behaviour
- Fixed `trmod unlock ALL` not unlocking challenge unlocks
  - If you are using `trmod unlock ALL` and want the challenge unlocks unlocked, simply run the command again after installing this update
- Ammended Eden's Birthright EID description
- Golden Collectibles now work properly in co-op as well as with Jacob and Esau
- Choosing a random character after using `trmod unlock ALL` or `trmod unlock CHARACTER_ALL` no longer allows the random character selection to land on a character that doesn't exist
- Updated EpiphanyDiag to v1.3 - Now includes a list that only contains enabled mods
- Fixed an issue where the character selection menu sometimes wouldn't load due to a missing nil check

v4.13 Patch note

Released 4th of November '22

- Fixed being able to shoot tears for a single frame on Kagemane No Jutsu challenge

v4.12 Patch notes

Released 4th of November '22

- Glitched Gapers will now target the closest enemy within 3 grid tiles and attempt to make contact with it
- Fixed an exploit where shop items and devil items absorbed by broken dice didn't require being paid for
- Tarnished Magdeline no longer puts hearts into The Jar while also picking them up as bonus hearts
- Fixed inventory system overwhelm detection not working properly

v4.11 - The Usual Fixes

Released 2nd of November '22

- Eden can no longer start with Dark Rock and T Eden can no longer roll into it
- Fixed Steam sale for non-collectible pickups in Turnover shops
- KAEK now heals 1 coin heart on pick-up. This will stop your KAEK runs from being killed by curse rooms
- Price of pickups in Turnover shops should no longer flicker right after the pickups are spawned
- Fixed Turnover causing a game crash in Tainted Treasure room when spawning an item
- Implemented an intentional panic game crash to avoid save corruption for a very rare and elusive bug related to inventory handling
- Added a special interaction between Debug and items affected by Essence of Eden
- Added StageAPI boss transition support
- Buying pickups in challenge rooms as TR Keeper now also triggers an ambush
- Fixed error spam when creating a Turnover shop in crawlspace or boss rush
- Fixed an issue with golden beggars hp resetting between rooms
-lvl 2 Turnover shopkeepers (the ones with coin eyes) will now have a high chance to drop a nickle on death
- Rebalanced some Turnover shops:
  - Improved boss rush shop: each tier now contains 3-4 collectibles, only one of which can be chosen
  - Last shop tier of normal room shop in dark room/chest now contains an item
  - first 2 tiers of secret shop and vault shop are now cheaper
  - last tier of curse room shop removed, reducing total collectibles per curse room to 6 (from 9)
  - Improved pickup pools for secret shop and challenge shop
- Added Turnover shopkeepers for silver treasure, astral challenge and tainted treasure rooms
- Updated Russian EID translation (thanks Rack Jet)

v4.10 - Lots of hotfixes today huh, anyway how's your day been?

Released 31st of October '22

- Fixed an early return causing TR Magdalene's UI to not appear in co-op if the first player is not TR Magalene
- TR Keeper can now buy items that naturally spawn in Tainted Treasure rooms
- Lost will now recieve damage as intended when using Broken Dice
- Re-fixed MCM nil check

v4.9 Patch notes

Released 31st of October '22

- Fixed version-info command showing wrong version number

v4.8 Patch notes

Released 31st of October '22

- Added a missing MCM nil check

v4.7 - A Spooky Hotfix

Released 31st of October '22

- Added a missing nil check to a piece of MCM-related code
- Improved positioning of Turnover shops in non-1x1 rooms
- Added an extra EID for Store Credit related to Turnover

v4.6 - Keeper Birthright buff, Misc bug fixes

Released 29th of October '22

- Slightly improved TR Keeper's birthright:
  - Gold restock machines are now present on last tiers of all shops
  - Using a restock machine costs 5 coins and always triggers a restock
  - Pickups and collectibles from custom pools now get restocked as well
- Added `version-info` command, which allows the user to display information about the mod
- Added detector and warning message for having two different versions of Mod Config Menu installed
- Fixed alt path entrances being unintentionally unopenable by multitools
- Printer no longer works with Souls, Runes and Essences
- Implemented preventitive measures for a save corruption bug where the IsDIW field would become overwhelmed
  - We are currently unaware of the cause of this bug, so therefore, we cannot fix it completely
  - So for now, we've implemented a system that detects when this error is happening, throws an error in your log, and closes the game to protect your save file
  - This is a temporary measure while we investigate the issue. We ask for your patience
- Updated EpiphanyDiag to v1.2
- using Turnover now removes restock machines
- Improved error room Turnover shop
- Rewrote card spawning mechanism for Turnover
  -  While this fixes some cards never spawning when they should, it may also significantly affect your loading times, especially if you have Fiend Folio.
  - If that is the case, try changing "Card indexing method" in mod config menu to either Partial or None
- Fixed rare C stack overflow regarding epiphany locked cards

v4.5 - Party's over!

Released 26th of October '22

- The anniversary is over! Party hats have been disabled :(
- Pedestals no longer turn to gold when swapping the item as TR Isaac
- Turnover is now guaranteed to spawn a fool card in starting room shop in depths 2
- Removed quality properties of KAEK and Bleeding Heart to stay in convention with other quest items
- Turnover shops may spawn some of the Fiend Folio cards now
- Fixed overlapping tutorial text while playing a tarnished character challenge 
- Nothing now stacks with itself correctly
- Changed the way that Warm Coat's RNG is calculated to use psuedo random number generation
- Multitools can now open key blocks
- Changed method to handle burnt and flat penny for tr keeper, using a custom replacement we can handle better the balance of them

v4.4 - The Anniversary Update!

Released 23rd of October '22

- It's Epiphany's 1st birthday! 🎉
To celebrate, all Tarnished characters will have little party hats!

- Added a new challenge called "One With Nothing" - Play as Tarnished Isaac, and try to keep your items high quality until the end of the run!
- This challenge also comes with a brand new item unlock

- Fixed NullPointerException challenge not unlocking Drawn Card upon completion
- Updated console commands:
trmod unlock (achievement name) - Unlocks an achievement
trmod lock (achievement name) - Locks an achievement
trmod unlock ALL - Unlock everything in the entire mod
trmod unlock CHARACTER_ALL - Unlock all characters
trmod wipe-save - Wipes the mod save
trmod debug-unlocks - Temporarily unlocks everything in the mod; Can be turned off afterwards to revert to previous unlocks

- Added a new diagnostics tool called EpiphanyDiag which generates a file containing your mod list as well as all of your Repentance logs. You can find the source code here:
- Added Eden custom death sounds
- Added Keeper custom death and hit sounds
- Fixed an exploit where TR Keeper could infinitely bomb golden beggars for coins
- Added visual indicator for bad company
- Fixed an issue with encyclopedia reading the wrong description for "House Two of" Cards
- Nerfed sack head to only have a 3% chance to spawn sacks, compared to the previous 20% chance to spawn sacks
- Tarnished Keeper now only inflicts Midas Freeze on enemies when hurt if he has >5 coins
- Fixed TR Keeper not being able to use Genesis correctly 
- Implemented a method for TR Keeper to consistently obtain the Fool card in Depths 2
- Implemented a massive internal code restructure that doesn't actually mean anything to anyone playing but is probably still worth mentioning

v4.3 - Bug fixes, oversight fixes, and achievement fixes

Released 17th of October '22

- Updated Korean EID entries
- Added KAEK EID support
- Added TR Keeper Bogo Bombs and Schoolbag costumes
- Fixed an issue where unlocked Tarnished character pocket actives would not appear in item pools
- Fixed an issue where Tainted Cain could crash the game while crafting
- Items spawned by reverse lovers and mystery gift are now immune to midas curse
- Pickups bought with coupon are now immune to midas curse
- Fixed an issue where TR Magdalene's unlock entity could spawn in weird places
- Item pedestals no longer lose protection from turning into coins when rerolled (d6/eternal d6/perthro/dice shard/spindown)
- Golden Trinkets now turn into double the number of coins when touched by TR Keeper when compared to a regular trinket
- Added some missing achievement sprites
- Fixed some achievement sprites having the wrong colour palette
- Improved sprites for a few achievements
- Updated Encyclopedia entries
- Updated included API documentation to match the web version

v4.2 - Quick day 1 hotfix part 2

Released 15th of October '22

- Added TR Keeper's birthright description
- Updated included API documentation to match the website
- Fixed TR Keeper having no lower bounds for his tears stat
- Corrected TR Keeper tears scaling to their intended values
- Updated all character unlock descriptions for clarity

v4.1 - Quick day 1 hotfix

Released 15th of October '22

- TR Keeper's unlock description now appears in the in-game character selection screen
- Fixed a bug where enemies would sometimes not drop coins when killed by Tarnished Keeper

v4.0 - Wave 4 has released!

Released 15th of October '22

- Added TR Keeper and all of their unlocks
- Completely reworked TR Magdalene's gameplay mechanics
- Added custom challenges to the mod; These challenges will unlock new items when completed 
- Completely reworked Dimensional Key into a quest item that allows entrance into the void floor from the alt path as well as from the home closet
- Character active items can now be unlocked by getting all completion marks as that character (Throwing Bag can be unlocked, but has not yet been implemented)
Added a Tarnished Character API, using which you can add your own characters to the characters to the tarnished character selection screen. Documentation can be found here:

- Additional Zip Bomb Collectibles add 1 more recursive explosion per duplicate
- Changed Dice machine logic, now uses Dice capsules
- The mod now refers to itself in the config menu as "Epiphany"
  -This change has reset your config for the mod. Please re-set it if you changed anything
- The mod's namespace has been changed from `CorruptedCharactersMod` to `Epiphany`. `CorruptedCharactersMod` is still available for legacy support
- Improved Story Cube, now it can turn hearts, keys, bombs, coins and all vanilla troll bombs into cards
- Improved Converter beggar
- Fixed Encyclopedia's check mark's compatibility
- Changed achievement command syntax from "trmod_<command>" to "trmod <command>"
- Added ability to unlock all characters without their completion marks with trmod unlock CHARACTER_ALL
- Items now have a visual indicator if they will be absorbed by Broken Dice
- Blighted Dice can no longer give items that the player already has
- Blighted Dice is no longer guaranteed to roll an HP up into another HP up
- Dark Power and Savage Chains have been temporarily removed from the game
- Razor blade now contributes to sharp bag synergy
- Fixed Segmentation Fault costume being on the wrong layer
- Tarnished Cain's bag UI now displays the types of bags he has 
- First Page now lasts an entire floor, however it also now only charges once per floor, similar to Eraser
- TR Judas Phase 3 music slowdown can now be turned off in config
- Many item and achievement sprite improvements
- Tarnished Eden had a bunch of unique sound effects for various things, such as picking up items and taking damage
- Greatly improved Tarnished Isaac's default costume layers:
- "Random" character selection now has info text saying "RANDOM" like the vanilla menu
- Fixed a bug where certain items would not function after a game restart until another item is picked up
- Epiphany now uses its own paper design for achievement backgrounds along with a new colour scheme for the achievements themselves
- Fixed a crash with the "Reworked Apollyon and Void" mod
- Epiphany's door character now has arrows on the character select screen which were previously absent
- Where applicable, your unlocks are now synced with your completion marks whenever the game starts, for example if you had a completion mark for an item but didn't have the game unlocked, the item will be unlocked, and if you have an item but not the completion mark to go with it, the item will be re-locked
- Your unlocks will be synced with your completion marks every time the game starts. This means that if you unlocked an item before the update and it was moved somewhere else, you will no longer have it unlocked, and you will instead have the new item that was moved into the completion mark slot
- Rewrote/ reformatted most EID descriptions
Update History