Golden Items

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Golden sacred heart.png

Golden Items, or Golden Collectibles are a mechanic from Epiphany mod.

Old knife small.pngEffects

If the player has unlocked the Golden items achievement, every item (with the exception of quest items) will have a 0.6% chance to spawn as a golden colored variant, similarly to Golden Trinkets.

  • Golden passive items will be added to the player's inventory in two copies.
  • Golden active items will activate twice on each use.
    • This effect is not identical to having Car battery.pngCar Battery, as the individual item is activated twice, rather than having the effect doubled.

Dark power small.pngInteractions

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Certain active items have unique effects when used while golden.

  • Blighted dice small.png Blighted Dice - You get to choose between 3 items instead of 2.
  • Box of spiders.pngBox of Spiders - Spawned spiders are golden, as if the player was holding Goldencobweb.pngGolden Cobweb.
  • Cardiac arrest small.png Cardiac Arrest - After the first shot, a second shot is fired after 10 to 30 frames and a third one 10 to 40 after the second one.
  • Crooked Penny.pngCrooked Penny - Upon failing to duplicate all items in the room, spawns a battery instead of a penny.
  • The D6.webpThe D6 - Items rerolled will switch between two different items in a similar matter to Tainted isaac.pngTainted Isaac.
  • D4.pngD4 - Rerolls your items to items of the same pools and same quality as the original items, like Tarnished eden small.png Tarnished Eden's reroll.
  • D20.pngD20 - Copies a random pickup in the room before rerolling it.
  • D100.pngD100 - Spawns all Capsule d6.png Dice Capsules.
  • Dad's key.pngDad's Key - Opens all adjacent red rooms, similar to Soul of Cain.pngSoul of Cain.
  • Forget Me Now.pngForget Me Now - Loses its golden effect upon use instead of being removed. This effectively allows the player to use it twice.
  • Guppys Head.pngGuppy's Head - Spawned flies are golden, as if the player was holding Goldencobweb.pngGolden Cobweb.
  • How to jump.webpHow to Jump - Jumping and landing causes knockback and damage.
  • Killer Instinct small.pngKiller Instinct - The slam attack will now drop throwable boulders from the ceiling on use.
  • Lemon mishap.pngLemon Mishap - Bigger pool.
  • Portable slot.webpPortable Slot - Activates 2 times per coin.
  • Red Key.pngRed Key - On use, it has a 60% of dropping a Cracked Key.pngCracked Key.
  • Remote Detonator.pngRemote Detonator - Detonated bombs have a larger, stronger explosion.
  • Turnover small.png Turnover - The price to create shop gets a 33% discount.
  • The bible.pngThe Bible - On top of the normal effect, it also gives an eternal heart on use.
  • Void.pngVoid - Refunds 3 charges on use, effectively lowering charge time to 3 rooms. Does NOT use voided active items twice.
  • We need to go deeper.webpWe Need to Go Deeper! - Spawns a random chest in addition to making a trapdoor.
  • NewWeirdHeart.pngWeird Heart - On use, drops a random heart on the ground.

Unlock Condition

Story cube small.pngTrivia

  • The unlock portrait for Golden Items is a reference to the infamous 'Soyjaks Pointing' meme.
  • Unfortunately, gold items may not work correctly in the beta version of repentance+.

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