Angel Room (Greed Mode Item Pool)

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Item Pools

Items in this pool can be found in the Angel Room in Greed Mode.

To see the Greed Mode Angel Room pool of items in the original game, see its page on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth wiki.

Active Items

Item Image Flavor Text Effect Charges Weight
Divine Remnants
"Pray for grace"
  • Passively grants a Holy Mantle shield while fully charged.
  • When the shield breaks, all charges are drained and the item goes up a level
  • On use, rerolls all item pedestals in the room into ones with the nolostbr tag, rerolls all hearts into other pickups, and causes the item to go down a level
  • Higher levels grant better rerolled items
Recharge 4.webp (level one)

Recharge 8.webp (level two)
Recharge 12.webp (level three)


Passive Items

Item Image Flavor Text Effect Weight
Linen Shroud
"Haunting tears + tears up"
  • +0.77 tears
  • Isaac's tears cause up to 5 tears to begin circling the enemy on impact
  • Once the fifth tear is landed, all surrounding tears fly into the enemy at once
  • The tears fly earlier if their damage would be enough to kill the enemy.
"Divine punishment"
  • +1 Soul Heart
  • Taking Soul/Black Heart damage or breaking a Holy Mantle shield causes Crack the sky.pngCrack The Sky beams to strike around the room.