Pain-O-Matic Machine (Item Pool)

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Item Pools

Items in this pool can be obtained by having a Pain-O-Matic Machine break.

Active Items

Item Image Flavor Text Effect Charges Weight
"Angel breaker"
  • Isaac dashes forward and picks up the first enemy hit.
  • After a moment, he slams them into the ground to deal damage and create a circular rock wave.
Recharge time.webp

(7 seconds)


Passive Items

Item Image Flavor Text Effect Weight
Knockout Drops
Knockout drops.png
"They pack a punch!"
  • Isaac's tears have a chance to deal heavy knockback to enemies and cause confusion.
Consolation Prize
Consolation prize.png
"+1 to lowest stat"
  • Increases Isaac's lowest stat and drops either 3 Coins, 1 Bomb, or 1 Key depending on what Isaac has the least of.
Tough Love
Tough love.png
"Tooth shot"
  • Chance to fire a tooth that deals x3.2 Isaac's damage
Brittle Bones
Brittle bones.png
"Everything hurts"
  • Removes all heart containers and grants 6 empty Bone Hearts
  • Losing a Bone Heart fires bones at all angles and increases Isaac's tears
Bloody Lust
Bloody lust.png
  • Increases Isaac's damage stat whenever he takes damage for the floor
Bloody Gust
Bloody gust.png
"May your rage bring haste"
  • Increases Isaac's tears and speed for the floor when he takes damage