Glitch Machine Pocket (Item Pool)

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Item Pools

Glitch Machines have a chance to pay out with a consumable version of these items.

Active Items

Item Image Flavor Text Effect Charges Weight
  • Teleports Isaac to the Treasure Room, the Secret Room, the Super Secret Room or I AM ERROR room.
Recharge 6.webp 1
  • Distorts all sprites in the room
  • Increases one of Isaac's stats and decreases another
Recharge 4.webp 1
  • Freezes all enemies in the room until Isaac shoots
Recharge 2.webp 1
Doctor's Remote
Doctors remote.png
"Reusable air strike"
  • Fires out an air strike towards any location in the room, creating a large explosion on contact
Recharge 2.webp 1
Crack the Sky
Crack the sky.png
"Holy white death"
  • Causes 5 beams of light to strike random areas of the room
Recharge 4.webp 1
Mom's Box
Mom's box.png
"What's inside?"
  • Drops a random trinket on the ground
Recharge 4.webp 0.5
The Gamekid
The gamekid.png
"Temporary man-pac"
  • Turns Isaac into a Pac-Man-like creature for 6.5 seconds, granting invulnerability.
  • Inflicts fear on all enemies
  • Allows Isaac to damage enemies via contact damage.
  • Chance to heal half a heart when killing enemies while the effect is active
Recharge 4.webp 0.5